Best selling productsExcept Excluded Sale BrandsFlash Sale ExclusionsIntake ManifoldsIntake SystemNew productsSkunk2
More than a decade ago, Skunk2's engineers revolutionized Honda performance by creating the first-ever, high-flow, cast aluminum intake manifold. Skunk2’s Pro Series Intake Manifold...
Best selling productsExcept Excluded Sale BrandsFlash Sale ExclusionsIntake ManifoldsIntake SystemNew productsSkunk2
The engineers at Skunk2 Racing have worked tirelessly to develop the next generation of high performance intake manifolds and are proud to announce the...
Best selling productsExcept Excluded Sale BrandsFlash Sale ExclusionsIntake ManifoldsIntake SystemNew productsSkunk2
The intake manifold solution street-driven Evo VIII-IX owners have been waiting for is here. Skunk2’s Evo Pro Series Intake Manifold was designed with “street...
Best selling productsExcept Excluded Sale BrandsFlash Sale ExclusionsIntake ManifoldsIntake SystemNew productsSkunk2
Skunk2's engineers looked to the popular '06-'10 Civic Si’s RBC intake manifold for inspiration when developing our Pro Series Intake Manifold for K-series engines...
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